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Arbitrary large unsigned integers


Edit: There's now a Follow-up question concerning more recent code.

From time to time, you see a question over at Stack Overflow about calculating factorials, typically asking why the result soon gets completely wrong when increasing the input number. The typical answers explain how types are limited, how you could approximate a factorial, how you could use a big number library like gmp, and so on. And you will stumble over a well-meant advice not to roll your own bignum implementation.

Challenge accepted ;) So the following code is just for training, and, admittedly, for fun, and although I'm quite experienced, it was a learning experience as well. I'm putting the result for review because I might have missed some bugs, some unnecessary inefficiencies, or even might have broken portability in a subtle way, and if so, it would be great if someone could spot this.

When I started implementing it, I had the following goals in mind:

  • Handle any size of an unsigned integer, no compile-time limits
  • Do this in portable code
  • Provide a reasonable "intuitive" interface on an opaque type
  • Try to achieve good performance

Functions for converting to and from a string are needed and because the naive implementations (using a lot of multiplications and divisions by 10) proved to be horrible bottlenecks, I replaced them with implementations based on the Double dabble algorithm.


#ifndef HUGEINT_H#define HUGEINT_H#include <stdarg.h>#include <stddef.h>typedef struct hugeint hugeint;hugeint *hugeint_create(void);hugeint *hugeint_clone(const hugeint *self);hugeint *hugeint_fromUint(unsigned int val);hugeint *hugeint_parse(const char *str);hugeint *hugeint_ladd_cutoverflow(size_t n, const hugeint *const *summands,        unsigned int *residue);hugeint *hugeint_ladd(size_t n, const hugeint *const *summands);hugeint *hugeint_vadd(size_t n, va_list ap);hugeint *hugeint_add(size_t n, ...);hugeint *hugeint_2comp(const hugeint *self);hugeint *hugeint_sub(const hugeint *self, const hugeint *diff);hugeint *hugeint_shiftleft(const hugeint *hi, const hugeint *positions);hugeint *hugeint_shiftright(const hugeint *hi, const hugeint *positions);hugeint *hugeint_mult(const hugeint *hi, const hugeint *factor);hugeint *hugeint_div(const hugeint *hi, const hugeint *divisor,        hugeint **mod);int hugeint_isZero(const hugeint *self);int hugeint_compare(const hugeint *self, const hugeint *other);int hugeint_compareUint(const hugeint *self, unsigned int other);void hugeint_increment(hugeint **self);void hugeint_decrement(hugeint **self);char *hugeint_toString(const hugeint *self);#endif


#include <limits.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h>#include "hugeint.h"#define HUGEINT_ELEMENT_BITS (CHAR_BIT * sizeof(unsigned int))// start each new "hugeint" with 256 bits:#define HUGEINT_INITIAL_ELEMENTS (256 / HUGEINT_ELEMENT_BITS)struct hugeint{    size_t n;    unsigned int e[];};static void *xmalloc(size_t size){    void *m = malloc(size);    if (!m) exit(1);    return m;}static void *xrealloc(void *m, size_t size){    void *m2 = realloc(m, size);    if (!m2) exit(1);    return m2;}static size_t copyNum(char **out, const char *str){    const char *p = str;    const char *start;    size_t length = 0;    while (*p && (*p == '' || *p == '\t' || *p == '0')) ++p;    if (*p < '0' || *p > '9') return 0;    start = p;    while (*p >= '0'&& *p <= '9')    {++p;++length;    }    *out = xmalloc(length + 1);    (*out)[length] = 0;    memcpy(*out, start, length);    return length;}static hugeint *hugeint_expand(hugeint *self){    hugeint *expanded = xrealloc(self,            sizeof(hugeint) + 2 * self->n * sizeof(unsigned int));    memset(&(expanded->e[expanded->n]), 0, expanded->n * sizeof(unsigned int));    expanded->n *= 2;    return expanded;}hugeint *hugeint_create(void){    hugeint *self = xmalloc(sizeof(hugeint)+ HUGEINT_INITIAL_ELEMENTS * sizeof(unsigned int));    memset(self, 0, sizeof(hugeint)+ HUGEINT_INITIAL_ELEMENTS * sizeof(unsigned int));    self->n = HUGEINT_INITIAL_ELEMENTS;    return self;}hugeint *hugeint_clone(const hugeint *self){    hugeint *clone = xmalloc(sizeof(hugeint) + self->n * sizeof(unsigned int));    memcpy(clone, self, sizeof(hugeint) + self->n * sizeof(unsigned int));    return clone;}hugeint *hugeint_fromUint(unsigned int val){    hugeint *self = hugeint_create();    self->e[0] = val;    return self;}hugeint *hugeint_parse(const char *str){    char *buf;    hugeint *result = hugeint_create();    size_t bcdsize = copyNum(&buf, str);    if (!bcdsize) return result;    size_t scanstart = 0;    size_t n = 0;    size_t i;    unsigned int mask = 1;    for (i = 0; i < bcdsize; ++i) buf[i] -= '0';    while (scanstart < bcdsize)    {        if (buf[bcdsize - 1] & 1) result->e[n] |= mask;        mask <<= 1;        if (!mask)        {            mask = 1;            if (++n == result->n) result = hugeint_expand(result);        }        for (i = bcdsize - 1; i > scanstart; --i)        {            buf[i] >>= 1;            if (buf[i-1] & 1) buf[i] |= 8;        }        buf[scanstart] >>= 1;        while (scanstart < bcdsize && !buf[scanstart]) ++scanstart;        for (i = scanstart; i < bcdsize; ++i)        {            if (buf[i] > 7) buf[i] -= 3;        }    }    free(buf);    return result;}hugeint *hugeint_ladd_cutoverflow(size_t n, const hugeint *const *summands,        unsigned int *residue){    hugeint *result = hugeint_create();    size_t i;    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)    {        while (summands[i]->n > result->n)        {            result = hugeint_expand(result);        }    }    unsigned int res = 0;    for (i = 0; i < result->n; ++i)    {        for (unsigned int bit = 1; bit; bit <<= 1)        {            for (size_t j = 0; j < n; ++j)            {                if (i >= summands[j]->n) continue;                if (summands[j]->e[i] & bit) ++res;            }            if (res & 1) result->e[i] |= bit;            res >>= 1;        }    }    if (residue) *residue = res;    return result;}hugeint *hugeint_ladd(size_t n, const hugeint *const *summands){    unsigned int res;    hugeint *result = hugeint_ladd_cutoverflow(n, summands, &res);    if (res)    {        size_t i = result->n;        result = hugeint_expand(result);        result->e[i] = res;    }    return result;}hugeint *hugeint_vadd(size_t n, va_list ap){    const hugeint **summands = xmalloc(n * sizeof(hugeint *));    for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)    {        summands[i] = va_arg(ap, hugeint *);    }    hugeint *result = hugeint_ladd(n, summands);    free(summands);    return result;}hugeint *hugeint_add(size_t n, ...){    va_list ap;    va_start(ap, n);    hugeint *result = hugeint_vadd(n, ap);    va_end(ap);    return result;}hugeint *hugeint_2comp(const hugeint *self){    hugeint *tmp = hugeint_clone(self);    if (hugeint_isZero(tmp)) return tmp;    hugeint *one = hugeint_fromUint(1);    for (size_t i = 0; i < tmp->n; ++i)    {        tmp->e[i] = ~(tmp->e[i]);    }    hugeint *result = hugeint_add(2, tmp, one);    free(tmp);    free(one);    return result;}hugeint *hugeint_sub(const hugeint *self, const hugeint *diff){    if (diff->n > self->n) return 0;    int freediff = 0;    if (diff->n < self->n)    {        freediff = 1;        diff = hugeint_clone(diff);        while (diff->n < self->n) diff = hugeint_expand((hugeint *)diff);    }    hugeint *tmp = hugeint_2comp(diff);    if (freediff) free((hugeint *)diff);    unsigned int res;    hugeint *result = hugeint_ladd_cutoverflow(2,            (const hugeint *const []){self, tmp}, &res);    free(tmp);    if (res > 1)    {        free(result);        return 0;    }    return result;}hugeint *hugeint_shiftleft(const hugeint *hi, const hugeint *positions){    hugeint *result = hugeint_clone(hi);    hugeint *count;    if (positions)    {        if (hugeint_isZero(positions)) return result;        count = hugeint_clone(positions);    }    else    {        count = 0;    }    unsigned int highbit = 1U << (HUGEINT_ELEMENT_BITS - 1);    do    {        if (result->e[result->n - 1] & highbit)        {            result = hugeint_expand(result);        }        int incelement = 0;        for (size_t i = 0; i < result->n; ++i)        {            int overflow = !!(result->e[i] & highbit);            result->e[i] <<= 1;            if (incelement) ++result->e[i];            incelement = overflow;        }        if (count) hugeint_decrement(&count);    } while (count && !hugeint_isZero(count));    free(count);    return result;}hugeint *hugeint_shiftright(const hugeint *hi, const hugeint *positions){    hugeint *result = hugeint_clone(hi);    hugeint *count;    if (positions)    {        if (hugeint_isZero(positions)) return result;        count = hugeint_clone(positions);    }    else    {        count = 0;    }    unsigned int highbit = 1U << (HUGEINT_ELEMENT_BITS - 1);    do    {        int incelement = 0;        size_t i = result->n;        while (i > 0)        {            --i;            int overflow = result->e[i] & 1;            result->e[i] >>= 1;            if (incelement) result->e[i] += highbit;            incelement = overflow;        }        if (count) hugeint_decrement(&count);    } while (count && !hugeint_isZero(count));    free(count);    return result;}hugeint *hugeint_mult(const hugeint *hi, const hugeint *factor){    hugeint **summands=xmalloc(factor->n * HUGEINT_ELEMENT_BITS * sizeof(hugeint *));    size_t n = 0;    hugeint *bitnum = hugeint_create();    for (size_t i = 0; i < factor->n; ++i)    {        for (unsigned int bit = 1; bit; bit <<= 1)        {            if (factor->e[i] & bit)            {                hugeint *summand = hugeint_shiftleft(hi, bitnum);                summands[n++] = summand;            }            hugeint_increment(&bitnum);        }    }    free(bitnum);    hugeint *result = hugeint_ladd(n, (const hugeint **)summands);    for (size_t j = 0; j < n; ++j) free(summands[j]);    free(summands);    return result;}hugeint *hugeint_div(const hugeint *hi, const hugeint *divisor,        hugeint **mod){    if (hugeint_isZero(divisor)) return 0;    hugeint *scaled_divisor = hugeint_clone(divisor);    hugeint *remain = hugeint_clone(hi);    hugeint *result = hugeint_create();    hugeint *multiple = hugeint_fromUint(1);    while (hugeint_compare(scaled_divisor, hi) < 0)    {        hugeint *tmp = hugeint_shiftleft(scaled_divisor, 0);        free(scaled_divisor);        scaled_divisor = tmp;        tmp = hugeint_shiftleft(multiple, 0);        free(multiple);        multiple = tmp;    }    do    {        if (hugeint_compare(remain, scaled_divisor) >= 0)        {            hugeint *tmp = hugeint_sub(remain, scaled_divisor);            free(remain);            remain = tmp;            tmp = hugeint_add(2, result, multiple);            free(result);            result = tmp;        }        hugeint *tmp = hugeint_shiftright(scaled_divisor, 0);        free(scaled_divisor);        scaled_divisor = tmp;        tmp = hugeint_shiftright(multiple, 0);        free(multiple);        multiple = tmp;    } while (!hugeint_isZero(multiple));    if (mod) *mod = remain;    else free(remain);    free(multiple);    free(scaled_divisor);    return result;}int hugeint_isZero(const hugeint *self){    for (size_t i = 0; i < self->n; ++i)    {        if (self->e[i]) return 0;    }    return 1;}int hugeint_compare(const hugeint *self, const hugeint *other){    size_t n;    if (self->n > other->n)    {        for (size_t i = other->n; i < self->n; ++i)        {            if (self->e[i]) return 1;        }        n = other->n;    }    else if (self->n < other->n)    {        for (size_t i = self->n; i < other->n; ++i)        {            if (other->e[i]) return -1;        }        n = self->n;    }    else n = self->n;    while (n > 0)    {        --n;        if (self->e[n] > other->e[n]) return 1;        if (self->e[n] < other->e[n]) return -1;    }    return 0;}int hugeint_compareUint(const hugeint *self, unsigned int other){    for (size_t i = self->n - 1; i > 0; --i)    {        if (self->e[i]) return 1;    }    if (self->e[0] > other) return 1;    if (self->e[0] < other) return -1;    return 0;}void hugeint_increment(hugeint **self){    int carry = 0;    for (size_t i = 0; i < (*self)->n; ++i)    {        carry = !++(*self)->e[i];        if (!carry) break;    }    if (carry)    {        size_t n = (*self)->n;        *self = hugeint_expand(*self);        if (*self) (*self)->e[n] = 1;    }}void hugeint_decrement(hugeint **self){    if (hugeint_isZero(*self)) return;    for (size_t i = 0; i < (*self)->n; ++i)    {        if ((*self)->e[i]--) break;    }}char *hugeint_toString(const hugeint *self){    if (hugeint_isZero(self))    {        char *zero = malloc(2);        zero[0] = '0';        zero[1] = 0;        return zero;    }    size_t nbits = HUGEINT_ELEMENT_BITS * self->n;    size_t bcdsize = nbits/3;    size_t scanstart = bcdsize - 2;    char *buf = xmalloc(bcdsize + 1);    memset(buf, 0, bcdsize + 1);    size_t i, j;    i = self->n;    while(i--)    {        unsigned int mask = 1U << (HUGEINT_ELEMENT_BITS - 1);        while (mask)        {            int bit = !!(self->e[i] & mask);            for (j = scanstart; j < bcdsize; ++j)            {                if (buf[j] > 4) buf[j] += 3;            }            if (buf[scanstart] > 7) scanstart -= 1;            for (j = scanstart; j < bcdsize - 1; ++j)            {                buf[j] <<= 1;                buf[j] &= 0xf;                buf[j] |= (buf[j+1] > 7);            }            buf[bcdsize-1] <<= 1;            buf[bcdsize-1] &= 0xf;            buf[bcdsize-1] |= bit;            mask >>= 1;        }    }    for (i = 0; i < bcdsize - 1; ++i)    {        if (buf[i]) break;    }    bcdsize -= i;    memmove(buf, buf + i, bcdsize + 1);    for (i = 0; i < bcdsize; ++i) buf[i] += '0';    buf = xrealloc(buf, bcdsize + 1);    return buf;}

Example 1: divide.c

#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include "hugeint.h"int main(int argc, char **argv){    if (argc != 3)    {        fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [dividend] [divisor]\n", argv[0]);        return 1;    }    hugeint *dividend = hugeint_parse(argv[1]);    hugeint *divisor = hugeint_parse(argv[2]);    hugeint *remain;    hugeint *result = hugeint_div(dividend, divisor, &remain);    free(divisor);    free(dividend);    if (!result)    {        fputs("Error: division unsuccessful.\n", stderr);        return 1;    }    char *resultstr = hugeint_toString(result);    free(result);    char *remainstr = hugeint_toString(remain);    free(remain);    puts(resultstr);    free(resultstr);    fputs("remainder: ", stdout);    puts(remainstr);    free(remainstr);    return 0;}

Example 2: factorial.c

#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include "hugeint.h"hugeint *factorial(hugeint *self){    hugeint *result = hugeint_fromUint(1);    hugeint *factor = hugeint_clone(self);    while (hugeint_compareUint(factor, 1) > 0)    {        hugeint *tmp = hugeint_mult(result, factor);        free(result);        result = tmp;        hugeint_decrement(&factor);    }    free(factor);    return result;}int main(int argc, char **argv){    if (argc != 2)    {        fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [number]\n", argv[0]);        return 1;    }    hugeint *number = hugeint_parse(argv[1]);    hugeint *result = factorial(number);    free(number);    char *factstr = hugeint_toString(result);    free(result);    puts(factstr);    free(factstr);    return 0;}

The code as presented in the question can be browsed on github.

The current HEAD contains improvements mostly based on suggestions/criticism from the answers.

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